awarded RNC the Additional Filling Line Clean Room works for
awarded RNC the SAK III New Chemical Plant Building Electrical works in Jurong Island for
Awarded RNC the Fibre Optics installation work in Pulau Bukom
RNC participated in Electrical and Instrumentation Turn Around in partnership with
RNC has been awarded a 2-year E&I maintenance contract for in partnership with
have awarded RNC a new encapsulation plant project in Tuas for 
Safety Day 2023 was celebrated to mark zero lost time injuries and to encourage staff to prioritize safety in the workplace.

RNC embarked on a company trip to Vietnam in recognition of the staff contributions and hard work.

awarded F16-1 Project Activa Cleanroom Electrical and Instrumentation works for 
Award MK5475 Cleanroom Electrical and Instrumentation works to RNC in
and award CZ Tools Hook Up Package at FAB-NEXT Project in new plant in Tampines.
This is the 4th Package awarded at the FAB-NEXT Project for RNC
Safety Day was celebrated for 0 Loss Time Injury and Encourage Staff to work Safely

Quality support to pave the way for EPI Hook Up electrical works for FAB-NEXT Project in 
new plant in Tampines, to be awarded to RNC.
MCR (PU4) Upgrading works at Shell was awarded to RNC.
RNC successfully completed Electrical works in for . The value of the completed project was SGD$0.77million.
awarded another project to RNC new plant in Tampines. Work scope includes electrical works for the CUB and FOB building.
Good teamwork from previous projects, awards HV Cabling works in new plant in Tampines.
awards electrical works for Cold Room Project.
Shell awards PU2 Office Fit Out Works to RNC.
RNC carried out Electrical HV Upgrading Infrastructure Project, EHUIP-3 for Shell .
4A-GPA Blending Facility Project electrical works was executed by RNC.
RNC continued to have positive collaboration with . SG Tiger Project was then awarded by For Air Liquide Singapore .
Electrical works in progress for various work scopes in Linde , including transformer electrical works, A&A in central Building and rock room, power supply for heart tracing and electric heat tracing.
has awarded another project Waste Water Treatment to RNC Singapore.
Marvel Project awarded by to RNC for .
Turn around of PU 5 – ECC at electrical works was awarded to RNC.
RNC carried on working at for the electrical works COOLING TOWER PROJECT.
RNC was invited by to participate in the brown field project for to do electrical hook up for CZ puller system.
RNC successfully converted from OHSAS 18001 2007 to ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
CRISP Project early electrical works for was awarded to RNC.
has awarded another project PD Lab Project to RNC Singapore. Works will be carried out in the existing facilities.
RNC Singapore has completed HWFI Plant Project under 
The value of the completed project was SGD$1.2million.
Linde Gas award Maintenance Contract for 16th Consecutive Year to Hiap Seng Engineering Pte Ltd and Hiap Seng Engineering Pte Ltd continue to trust and award the Electrical & Instrument Services to RNC Singapore.
recommended RNC Singapore for SAR 2 Interconnecting Pipeline Project in Jurong Island after good support shown for Shell Marina Project.
RNC has started working again for after a gap of 10 years.
LV Master Plan which involves upgrading of LV Switch Board in a Live Plant for 9nos Switch Houses in different location is renewed by Shell .
continues to have good faith in RNC Singapore and awarded MSB Project.
RNC Singapore successfully completed ’s Extension of Sewage Treatment Plant Project on Jurong Island under the Main Contractor, HSL Constructor Pte Ltd .
RNC Singapore was awarded project by Shell in Tuas for their Shell Marina Project which comprised Grease Manufacturing Plant and Lube Oil Blending Plant in June 2015. RNC Singapore along with the EPC Contractor Amec Foster Wheeler successfully completed the project at a value of SGD$8.6million with peak manpower of 200men and Zero Loss Time Injury for nearly 500,000 manhours.
LendLease Singapore Pte Ltd continues to have good faith in RNC Singapore and awarded Amgen HWFI Project.
RNC Singapore did successfully transition from ISO 9001:2007 to ISO 9001:2015.
ISO Certification is by SAC and UKAS Management System.
After good support by RNC Singapore for in Tuas Project, awarded Afton Project Admin & Warehouse Building to RNC Singapore for a value of almost SGD$1million.
Alcon Japan Line at Tuas – Alcon Singapore Manufacturing Pte Ltd’s Plant
RNC Singapore has successfully completed Alcon Japan Line Project on Tuas.
RNC Singapore starts working for , they have awarded minor works in Abbvie Singapore.
Shell awarded a Fast Track Project to RNC Singapore for ECC Recovery Project in Pulau Bukom. RNC Singapore completed the project worth nearly SGD$4million in a period of 4 months.
RNC Singapore has successfully completed Public Utilities Board Project on Jurong Island.
RNC Singapore has successfully completed Shell's Leo & Silver Project on Jurong Island, and Shell's ECC DBN & FR project in Shell Bukom, with no loss time injury.
Total man-hours without LTI was 795,656 man-hours, with a combined contract value of SGD$ 20 million.
Jurong Aromatic Corporation - OSBL Plant
Successful completion of project installation with no loss time injury for a total of 497,488 man-hours utilized in this project.
ECC DBN & FR Project @ Shell Bukom.
Shell Bukom awards third consecutive major project to RNC Singapore.
Leo & Silver Project
Upon the sucessful completion of Scot & Bugis Project, Shell has awarded another Project in Jurong Island to RNC Singapore. In this project, RNC Singapore will be involved in Electrical and Instrumentation (E & I) Work in Leo & Silver Project.
09th Jan 2013
RNC has renewed as Building and Construction Authority Registered Contractors under the following workheads.
1. ME01 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventilation Works (Grade L1).
2. ME04 Communication & Security Systems (Grade L2).
3. ME05 Electrical Engineering (Grade L5).
Apr 2011
Shell’s Scot n Bugis Project
RNC Singapore is pleased to announce that Shell has once again shown faith in RNC Singapore to execute its Mega Project in Pulau Bukom. After the successful completion of the Houdini project from 2007 to 2009 Shell has awarded the SCOT n BUGIS project – electrical and instrumentation work to us. This continuous support and confidence shall make us further improve our capabilities; we will continue to provide our best service on time and within budget without compromise on safety and quality of work.
24th Feb 2011
Stolhaven project
RNC Singapore was awarded the electrical, telephone, ancillary works and A.C.M.V. installation contract for Stolhaven project on Jurong Island.
17th Feb 2011
RNC received GOLD AWARD in recognition of zero HSSE performance from 2006 - 2010 from Shell Eastern Petroleum Ltd.
RNC is awarded a project by (Renewable Energy Corporation) for its new walkway project at Tuas. This project introduce solar panel casting and commissioning work. Project expected to complete in Nov 2010.
14 Oct 2010
RNC was awarded the certificate by WSH COUNCIL. The bizsafe programme promotes workplace safety and health (WSH) in Singapore. It is the initiative of Ministry of Manpower, Singapore, under the auspices of the WSH Advisory Committee.